My Edition: 350 pages, 2003
Published by: Dell Books
Rating: 3 kisses
Favorite Quote:
"That instant when your fingers curl round the handles of a shiny, uncreased bad - and all the gorgeous new things inside it become yours. What’s it like? It’s like going hungry for days then cramming your mouth full of warm buttered toast. It’s like waking up and realizing it’s the weekend. It’s like the better moments of sex. Everything else is blocked out of your mind. It’s pure, selfish pleasure."
This is a book wherein the heroine is someone I despise or at least disliked. She’s impulsive and a compulsive liar. HAHA! She spends and spends and I just want to tell her to stop her senseless buying. I’m not this girl. I’m frugal. I can’t connect with her. I love shopping but not to Becky Bloomwood’s level. I’m just glad that she was able to at least redeem herself in the end. She ‘s very lucky that things work out in her favor. One thing is for sure, this girl needs HELP. If you want a funny and irritating (in a way) and you love shopping then this is for you.
My Soundtrack:
1. Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths
2. If I Can't Have You by Adam Lambert
3. Beautiful Dirty Rich by Lady Gaga
4. Friends with Money by Drake
5. Disconnection Notice by Pupil
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